Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Put Something Here #2

For the 2nd put something here, I decided to do something a little different. I made a poster that said "If you had one wish, what would it be?" I reluctantly put my phone number (but of a line a never use.)

I used the same location, 33rd and Chestnut. I feel like that intersection is very busy, students always are walking by there in between classes. What I expect is to have some phone calls. None so far, but I will make sure to keep everyone posted!


  1. That is really neat. It is a shame you didn't get any calls.

    1. I actually got 2 text messages from this originally. one said "i wish to pass my finals." The other said "to be a millionaire."

      But for the final project, I had no responces via email. I put up posters on 33rd and Chestnut and also 37th and Barring street. The only responses I recieved were when I went out and asked people to make a wish.
