Last week we seen a movie of people expressing their feelings ... but prejected on a huge building. I thought this was a really cool idea. The tallness of the buildings made it so people would look more. The stories these people would talk about were of family members getting murdered, friends being murdered and one girl spoke about her rape.
Some people find it difficult to speak about things like this. So at first I couldnt understand how they were able to tell complete strangers while being projected on a huge building. But, as we were discussing in class, sometimes its easier to tell a stranger than to tell someone you are close to. You will most likely never see those people again, making it easier.
I agree with this - it's always a lot easier to talk about things to total strangers because they don't know you so they can't judge you and you're probably never going to see them again. But what I didn't get was even though they were projected onto a monument, how come we could still see their faces? A couple admitted to being threatened into silence, yet their faces were shown on the structure. This didn't make sense to me considering the fear they'd live with. Also - I wonder what the people watching and listening to this felt.