Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I already presented this in class, but I'm documenting it now, trying to catch up on some blogs. My tag was different in a way. I started off using one side, physical locations mixed with emotions. The first side looked a little like this
train ride/annoyed

Then my grandmother passed away on Wednesday 5/9. I flipped the tag around to the other side, but it looked much different
my house/lonely
driving home/sad
funeral home/heartbroken

It was weird for me, how i can look back to the beginning of my week and everything was simple, kind of bland. Then towards the end of the week, it was filled with more emotion, very sad emotions. 

Put Something Here #2

For the 2nd put something here, I decided to do something a little different. I made a poster that said "If you had one wish, what would it be?" I reluctantly put my phone number (but of a line a never use.)

I used the same location, 33rd and Chestnut. I feel like that intersection is very busy, students always are walking by there in between classes. What I expect is to have some phone calls. None so far, but I will make sure to keep everyone posted!

Put Something Here #1

For put something here, I decided the "something" to be an old birthday card. It was a recordable birthday card, so I thought it would be interesting if someone would record over it. 

The "here" was a light post on 33rd and Chestnut.

My original thought was going to be that someone would record something. But, it would be impossible for me to tell if multiple people recorded because I wasn't watching it 24/7. I went back to check on it, and it was gone. There was another poster up. So, I wasn't sure if the person putting the other poster up took it down, or something else happened.
Here's my pictures from Blurb Mobile for the Invisible City.

I'm late to post because I had issues getting the link from my phone. We did this assignment before our walk on Lancaster, and I wasn't sure what invisible city meant. I took pictures of my neighborhood, and how our development is sort of disconnected from the rest of the community.

Invisible City/ Blurb Mobile

Friday, May 18, 2012

Last week we seen a movie of people expressing their feelings ... but prejected on a huge building. I thought this was a really cool idea. The tallness of the buildings made it so people would look more. The stories these people would talk about were of family members getting murdered, friends being murdered and one girl spoke about her rape.

Some people find it difficult to speak about things like this. So at first I couldnt understand how they were able to tell complete strangers while being projected on a huge building. But, as we were discussing in class, sometimes its easier to tell a stranger than to tell someone you are close to. You will most likely never see those people again, making it easier.
heres my map
google maps